Professor Beatriz L. Botero has a PhD in Contemporary Hispanic American Literature from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a PhD in Psychoanalysis in which she received a Summa cum laude from the Department of Psychology at the Autonomous University of Madrid Spain. She specializes in Latin American novels, psychoanalysis and cultural studies. She is the author of Identidad Imaginada: Novelística Colombiana del Siglo XXI. (Pliegos Editores, 2020) and editor of Women in Contemporary Latin American Novels. Psychoanalysis and Gender Violence. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018). Botero’s research places special emphasis on identity, the body, and social conflict. Also has worked on these issues in relation to contemporary visual art.

Her last publication: Botero, Beatriz L. “Latin American Violence Novels: Pain and the Gaze of Narrative.” The Cambridge Companion to Literature and Psychoanalysis, edited by Vera J. Camden, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2021, pp. 128–144. Cambridge Companions to Literature. For more information please visit Professor Beatriz L. Botero (

Additionally, she works with women weavers, both in Colombia (Red de Pro-Tejedores de la Memoria - Linked to the Centro de Memoria Histórica) and in the United States (Memory Cloth Circle). In both groups, the fabrics and textiles refer to personal history linked to social history, not necessarily coinciding with official history.

From her work with poetry, she has translated poetry in Spanish or even from indigenous languages ​​into English to reach other audiences.